Craft skills organized on industrial scale.

Where products ordered by customers require seam and spot welding, or the assembly of inserts, pins and other components, the welding and fabrication department is able to accommodate any kind of request. With an automatic spot welding robot, 12 manual seam welding stations, 6 manual spot welding stations and sundry metal fabrication stations, Comel can guarantee to produce fabricated sheet metal items of maximum precision and quality. Indeed the most demanding customers will accept nothing less. The attention given by Comel to customers in offering a product ready, as far as possible, for assembly on their production lines, is reflected in the skill and credentials of the company's operators. During 2014, moreover, two new certifications were added: UNI EN ISO 3834-2:2006 and UNI EN 15085-1. With these in place, Comel is able to guarantee that seam and spot welding operations are performed to the highest possible standards, and consequently open up new supply channels.

Copyright © 2025 . Comel Spa - V. Sorgaglia 21 - Arre (PD)
Capitale Sociale: 5.000.000,00 � - C.F. / P.I.: 00615500287 - C.C.I.A.A./R.E.A. 127349
credits Studioverde
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