Millimetre accuracy, rapid programming

In Comel's modern production departments, it is sheet metal cutting with punching presses that represents the backbone of day-to-day activity. The workshop is equipped with 7 Salvagnini and 2 Amada presses, the most recent of which installed in 2010 and utilizing an automatic sheet unloader. The various machines operating in the department are able to cover every kind of customer need, guaranteeing high output and optimum levels of quality. All this is made possible by virtue of the constant attention given by Comel to the maintenance of its machinery, tooling and equipment.

Copyright © 2025 . Comel Spa - V. Sorgaglia 21 - Arre (PD)
Capitale Sociale: 5.000.000,00 � - C.F. / P.I.: 00615500287 - C.C.I.A.A./R.E.A. 127349
credits Studioverde
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