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Sheet metal technology
Sheet metal technology
Sheet metal technology
Sheet metal technology
Sheet metal technology

A leading name in sheet metal processing

COMEL Spahas been in business since 1970 as a supplier to the trade, producing a variety of items fabricated from sheet metal (powder coated, aluminium, stainless steel), including raised floor systems, as well as manufacturing and marketing office furniture and drawer pedestals.

COMEL Spa is a leading name among sheet metal processors, operating from premises equipped with technological systems of the latest generation, which include 7 Salvagnini lines, 3 laser cutters, 1 combination machine and a revolutionary new powder coating system. COMEL S.p.A. made the decision recently to concentrate all manufacturing activity on a single site south of Padua, unifying its local facility at Casalserugo with the main headquarters at Arre, which has a total floor area of 35,000 m2 under cover and employs 180 people.


Work with us

Comel S.p.A. is always looking for capable and professionally motivated people to add to its human resources. If you are interested in working with our company, e-mail your CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. after viewing the privacy statement published at this link.

Copyright © 2024 . Comel Spa - V. Sorgaglia 21 - Arre (PD)
Capitale Sociale: 5.000.000,00 € - C.F. / P.I.: 00615500287 - C.C.I.A.A./R.E.A. 127349
credits Studioverde
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